
Asia Regional Conference

The Asia Regional Conference on Reaching SDG Target 8.7 on Eradicating Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Child Labour took place at the Mariott Hotel in Kathmandu, Nepal on 20-22 November 2019.

The main objectives of the conference were to:

  • Promote comprehensive approaches to eliminating all forms of child labour and forced labour in the context of Alliance 8.7, and setting country-specific targets for SDG Target 8.7;
  • Advance ratification and application of P29, sharing the experience of those countries that have ratified the Forced Labour Protocol or have taken initial steps leading towards ratification;
  • Showcase innovative approaches to tackling forced labour, child labour and human trafficking;
  • Strengthen tripartism and social dialogue on child labour and forced labour in the region.

The three-day meeting combined high level panels and thematic sessions on topics of interest with workshops for in-depth discussion and spotlight presentations for sharing experience on topics including setting up national coordination mechanisms to achieve Target 8.7, harmonisation of laws with the provisions of the Forced Labour Protocol, and complaints and referral mechanisms.