Pathfinder Countries leading the way to 

achieve SDG Target 8.7


Pathfinder Countries go further and faster to achieve Target 8.7 by accelerating efforts, trying new approaches, and collaborating with others. 

All UN member states have committed to do more, so Pathfinder status is open to any country, regardless of development level. 

Pathfinder Countries commit to the following:

  • Develop, adopt and put into practice improved legislation, national action plans or policies on child labour, forced labour, modern slavery and/or human trafficking

  • Translate public commitments into concrete actions – especially relevant in this regard are the key steps identified in the Durban Call to Action 

  • Ratify, or actively work towards the ratification or implementation of, applicable international human rights standards, including international labour standards.

The Alliance 8.7 Global Coordinating Group, which acts as the Alliance’s steering committee, periodically reviews and decides on countries’ requests to become Pathfinder. 




What are Pathfinder Countries expected to do?

Pathfinder Countries turn their commitments into action. They can pick up the pace in their own country and/or support other countries to accelerate action. At a national level, they convene strategic planning workshops on Target 8.7 to explore opportunities for collaboration and define national priorities.

The expected output of these workshops is a roadmap that sets out priorities, key actions, responsibilities, timelines and budgets. The workshops should identify what a country needs to do to meet Target 8.7, which can include complying with international human rights and labour standards, legislative action, new and different policies, new partnerships, additional data and research, and identifying indicators to measure progress. Once a country conducts a planning workshop developed a roadmap, it is eligible to become a Pathfinder. Pathfinder Countries report on progress against their roadmap on a yearly basis. 

The Alliance 8.7 Accountability Framework (AF) aims at strengthening the accountability around the Alliance 8.7 Pathfinder Country mechanism to ensure its effectiveness and credibility. It provides guidance on what it means to be a Pathfinder Country (PFC) and the expectations and responsibilities that come with it. The Accountability Framework clearly describes all stages of the Pathfinder process, from the initial manifestation of interest, to the planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting and review stages.


Why become a Pathfinder Country?

Alliance 8.7 Pathfinder Countries:

  • Bring about more inclusive and sustainable development
  • Showcase progress and successful interventions in regional and international events, using the Alliance as a platform
  • Gain access to good practice, knowledge and expertise
  • Can themselves serve as an example to drive change by showing progress and successful interventions
  • Receive technical support for the preparation of strategic planning workshops

Receive guidance on the preparation of progress reports


How to become a Pathfinder Country?

Countries need to submit a formal expression of interest to the Alliance 8.7 Secretariat. 
The letter should be signed by a government minister and set out:

  • The country’s interest in participating as a Pathfinder Country
  • Its commitment to significantly accelerate efforts towards achieving Target 8.7
  • Recent achievements and previous national initiatives to build upon
  • The appointment of a senior government official as a focal point to lead and coordinate Alliance 8.7 efforts in the country

Organizing a strategic planning workshop is a first important step to bring partners together, establish a common agenda, prioritize country-level action, and develop a roadmap to tackling modern slavery and child labour. For further information on dates and locations of strategic workshops please visit the Alliance 8.7 calendar.


For further information on becoming a Pathfinder Country or upcoming workshops, please contact