During its 6th Global Coordinating Group Meeting in Paris, on 12th November 2020, the Alliance 8.7 adopted an amended procedure for the inclusion of pathfinder countries. Prospective Pathfinder Countries should be invited to present their interest to the GCG and would receive a reply to their expression of interest after the successful implementation of a first Strategic Planning Workshop. This workshop should ensure broad participation and produce a viable roadmap for the way forward. This is to ensure coordination with and involvement of a wide range of stakeholders, including those represented in the GCG as well as effective implementation and follow-up measures.
As under Covid-19 restrictions, not all of these workshops could take place, the GCG decided in its 7th session on 19th May 2020 to organize a virtual extra-ordinary session of the GCG before the next regular meeting. The GCG meeting on 22nd July offered this platform for exchange between new and existing pathfinder countries and all other GCG members.