The 9th meeting of the Global Coordinating Group took place on 28th October 2020 at 14:00-17:00 and had the following agenda:
1.Welcome of the Chair
Objective: To welcome participants, refer to the 8th GCG meeting report and provide an update on developments since. Introduction of the objectives of this GCG meeting.
2. Welcome of Pathfinder country candidate, DR Congo
Objective: To give the Democratic Republic of the Congo an opportunity to share its commitment as a Pathfinder Country, the national challenges related to SDG Target 8.7, and next steps of the process
3. Alliance 8.7 COVID-19 Statement and survey report: Next steps
Objective: To share information on the impact of the COVID-19 statement and to present the main findings of the survey report and discuss possible types of Alliance 8.7 support.
4. Pathfinder Focal Point Workshop
Objective: To share information on the main objectives of the Pathfinder Focal Point Workshop, due to take place in November 2020.
5. Alliance 8.7 Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability Framework
Objective: To present and gather inputs on the ToR for the Monitoring and Evaluation Group and discuss an Accountability Framework.
6. Alliance 8.7 engagement on the International Year 2021
Objective: To explore opportunities for joint engagement during the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour and discuss Alliance 8.7 initiatives for 2021.
7. Alliance 8.7 resource mobilization strategy
Objective: To share information on the Alliance 8.7 funding situation and to discuss resource mobilization opportunities.
8. Updates on the Action Group on Supply Chains, on knowledge mobilisation and research (Delta 8.7, other) and on partner events and activities
Objective: To share latest developments on Alliance 8.7 key areas of work and to exchange information on upcoming partner events and activities.