
Freedom from Slavery Forum

The “Freedom from Slavery Forum” has been organized annually since 2013. It convenes individual Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and national CSO coalitions committed to the fight against different dimensions of slavery. The 2018 Forum was the first one organized outside the USA and the biggest one in numbers, with a strong participation from Asia, as well as CSOs from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the US, Europe the Middle East. The main objective of the Forum was to endorse a “Civil Society Statement of Principles and Goals on Advancing SDG 8.7” (also “Bangkok Statement”) that had been previously discussed and would now provide the principal platform for a more consolidated and coherent engagement of the civil society with the Alliance 8.7, its partners and others. The Forum also served to exchange good practice on local interventions, discuss joint advocacy strategies and build cross-border CSO coalitions.