
High-level virtual meeting "Zero tolerance for child labour, forced labour and human trafficking"

Day 1




Day 2




Playlist, Final report (ENG), Final Report (FR)

The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims to eradicate forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour (SDG Target 8.7). This challenge is compounded by the economic and social effects of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Without additional efforts, the international community would not be able to meet it.

By adopting a National Strategy to accelerate the fight against child labour, forced labour and human trafficking, Albania, Côte d'Ivoire, France and Germany (currently completing its application process), Morocco and the Netherlands, have become Alliance 8.7 "pathfinder countries." They are thus demonstrating that zero tolerance of the worst forms of human exploitation is a shared responsibility.

The high-level virtual meeting on March 2 & 3, in the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will serve to promote the exchange of best practices between governments, NGOs, social partners, companies, independent authorities, European institutions and international organizations. It aims to formulate public policy recommendations at the end of the exchanges.

This meeting is being organized by the Alliance 8.7 and the ILO Paris Office, with the support of the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH), independent national rapporteur on the fight against the trafficking and exploitation of human beings; Secours Catholique-Caritas France, coordinator of the Collective “Together against Trafficking in Human Beings” composed of 28 NGOs; the Committee against Modern Slavery (CCEM) and the French Ministries of Labour, Employment and Inclusion and of Europe and Foreign Affairs. It will be an opportunity to strengthen the identification and protection of victims and survivors, and to enrich the social component of the European initiative for a European due diligence, as well as the social clauses in the sustainable development chapters of trade agreements. It will fulfill one of the EU Council Conclusions on Human Rights and Decent Work in Supply Chains of 01/12/2020 calling on Member States to join Alliance 8.7.

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