
Pathfinder Country Strategic Workshop - Nepal

Nepal held the second Pathfinder Country Strategic Workshop of the Alliance 8.7 on 7 February, 2019. The workshop was entitled, "Identification of national priorities, operational structure and roadmap for addressing child labour, forced labour and human trafficking in Nepal: working all together" and gathered government officials from a wide range of departments and regions, NGOs, UN agencies, trade unions, employers' organizations and survivor organizations.

The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security convened all other government agencies and partners to promote the Alliance 8.7 and to announce that a Secretariat for the Alliance will be created within the Ministry of Labour to coordinate the implementation of the workplan.

More than 60 participants were present at the workshop including the Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation, the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, workers’ organisations, employers’ organisations, UNICEF, IOM, SAIEVAC, WorldVision, Winrock, Terre des Hommes and other civil society organisations, Central Bureau of Statistics, and other organisations.

The findings of a mapping of agencies and actors working on child labour, forced labour and trafficking in Nepal were presented at the workshop and the recommendations for cooperation were discusedd. The Ministry of Land Management, Cooperative and Poverty Alleviation also presented the situation of forced labour in Nepal and the Ministry of women, Children and Social Welfare presented their implementation plan on human trafficking.

The ILO, on behalf of the Alliance 8.7 presented the linkages between child labour, forced labour, human trafficking, migration and fair recruitment.

Please contact Bina Thapa ( for more information.