L'Alliance 8.7 est l'initiative mondiale contre le travail forcé, l'esclavage moderne, la traite des êtres humains et le travail des enfants dans le cadre des ODD 8.7.

Le partenariat est ouvert aux institutions gouvernementales, aux organisations internationales et régionales, aux organisations de travailleurs, aux organisations d'employeurs et d'entreprises, aux organisations de la société civile, aux institutions universitaires, aux réseaux de médias ou de journalistes et aux réseaux de survivants.


Les partenaires sont encouragés à s'engager activement dans l'Alliance 8.7 en s'inscrivant à un groupe d'action dans le formulaire ci-dessous.  Les partenaires sont également encouragés à participer au processus des pays pionniers et peuvent se mettre en rapport avec leurs représentants respectifs au sein du groupe de coordination globale de l'Alliance 8.7.

Organization Details
Type of Organization

If you don’t see your organization type above, please reach out via our contact form to learn how to get involved with the Alliance.

Would your organization be interested in participating in an Action Group? Please select one or more:
Contact Information

As an authorized representative of my organization, I seek to associate my organization with Alliance 8.7, the global partnership to end forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour.

I declare my organization to be :

  • Actively implementing programs contributing towards SDG Target 8.7 and/or with a mandate to contribute towards Target 8.7
  • Committed to achieving Target 8.7 and upholding applicable international standards, including international labour standards

I further acknowledge that Alliance 8.7 is not a policy making, standard setting or supervisory body. The existing supervisory systems of the UN structure remain the established, overarching mechanisms to monitor and review implementation of existing international standards. The Alliance will at all times act to support and implement recommendations emerging from these supervisory mechanisms and existing international standards to address forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour in all its forms.

Your organization’s application to become a partner will be submitted to the Alliance 8.7 Global Coordinating Group. Once approved, your organization’s logo and website link will be featured on the Partner section of the website).