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- Establish an inter-regional joint forum.
- Strengthen the legal system and law enforcement.
- Inclusion of migration in school curriculum.
- Demarcation of mandates within the government.
- Institutionalization of child labour and forced labour and enforcement of policies, conventions and laws regarding these issues. Initiate the implementation of the National Action Plan on Child Labour in depth.
- Increase research, awareness raising and capacity building on these issues at all levels.
- Encourage and ensure businesses are free from child labour and forced labour.
- Increase the allocation of resources and finance by government and development partners.
- Incorporation of human trafficking, worst forms of child labour (WFCL) and forced labour in the legal framework and awareness creation on these issues.
- Capacity building of labour inspectors and law enforcement to safeguard children.
- Maintain oft the basic principle of access to free and universal education for all children.
- Child labour issues are now coordinated and monitored under the Ministry of Labour and Skills (MOLS). The ministry incorporated the elimination of child labour in 10-year perspective plans at all levels, with a focus on the agriculture sector, and signed a memorandum of understanding with 15 ministers and government organs to enhance skill development through various education systems.
- The National Children Protection and Policy Advocacy Coalition was established to combat child labour through policy and socio-economic approaches.
- Training and Awareness creation programs were conducted for 362 schoolteachers and students, 307 local community and civil society representatives, and 3439 officials. An assessment was conducted by the Southern regional government, identifying child labour in 316 industry and business entities, involving 243 children.
- Law enforcement efforts were made to protect child labour conducted at federal, regional, and local levels, supervising 18,348 industries, companies, and businesses.
- Rehabilitation of 70 children engaged in child labour in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region.
- Collaboration with partners for the promotion of survival, sustainable livelihoods, and the prevention of child labour, forced labour, and human trafficking. Distribution of 7.9 billion ETB for financing startup and existing micro, small, and medium enterprises.
International Instruments
Area | Ilo Instrument | Status | Ratification date | CEACR comments |
Child Labour | C138 Ratification of C138 - Minimum Age Convention (1973) |
In Force | 27 May 1999 | |
Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery | C182 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (1999) |
In Force | 02 Sep 2003 | |
Child Labour, Modern Slavery | C029 Forced Labour Convention (1930) |
In Force | 02 Sep 2003 | |
Forced Labour, Modern Slavery | C105 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (1957) |
In Force | 24 Mar 1999 | |
Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery | C181 Private Employment Agencies Convention (1997) |
In Force | 24 Mar 1999 | |
Freedom of Association | C087 Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention (1948) |
In Force | 04 Jun 1963 | 2023 - Direct Request2021 - Individual Case(CAS) - adopted 2021, published 109th ILC session (2021)2021 - Individual Case(CAS) - adopted 2021, published 109th ILC session (2021)2021 - Individual Case(CAS) - adopted 2021, published 109th ILC session (2021)2021 - Individual Case(CAS) - adopted 2021, published 109th ILC session (2021)2019 - Direct Request2019 - Direct Request2019 - Direct Request
Freedom of Association | C098 Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention (1949) |
In Force | 04 Jun 1963 | |
Discrimination | C100 Equal Remuneration Convention (1951) |
In Force | 24 Mar 1999 | |
Discrimination | C111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (1958) |
In Force | 11 Jun 1966 | |
Occupational Safety and Health | C155 Occupational Safety and Health Convention (1981) |
In Force | 28 Jan 1991 |
Area | UN Treaty | Signature date | Ratification date | Status |
Child Labour | IV-11 Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) |
14 May 1991 a | Accession | |
Child Labour | IV-11-c Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography (2000) |
25 Mar 2014 a | Accession | |
Forced Labour, Human Trafficking | PALERMO_PROTOCOL Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) |
22 Jun 2012 a | Accession | |
Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery | XVIII-4 Ratification of the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition and of Slavery, the Slave Trade and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery (1956) |
21 Jan 1969 a | Accession |
Sources: ILO Normlex & UN Treaty Collection

Ethiopia Strategic Workshop Report