The new Alliance 8.7 Action Group on Agriculture (AGA) was established during the 19th meeting of the Global Coordinating Group in December 2024. Aligning with the Durban Call to Action, it aims to accelerate progress towards the elimination of child labour in agriculture, where 70% of child labour persists, particularly on family farms and small-scale operations.
The AGA will aim to strengthen Pathfinder Countries’ capacity to address root causes of child labour in agriculture, to enhance engagement of agricultural stakeholders, and generate evidence on agricultural sub-sectors, complementing the Alliance 8.7’s work of the Action Groups on Supply of Chains and on Migration.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will serve as the Secretariat of this Action Group in coordination with the International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture (IPCCLA) members.
More information about the newly created AGA will be shared soon.