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- Stronger national legislation, policies and compliance mechanisms to protect all children from child labour, in particular the worst forms of child labour
- Efficient data management and coordination mechanisms
- Expanded social protection, livelihood and employment programmes to benefit the most vulnerable and child-centred preparedness and response strategies for national disaster situations
- Targeted policies and actions to combat the worst forms of child labour (children in slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, illicit activities, and hazardous labour) informed by comprehensive baseline studies and supported by training for frontline workers and awareness raising campaigns
- Targeted policies and actions to address forced labour, slavery and human trafficking in the fishing sector through the ratification of the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 No. 188, conducting research and training programmes, among others
- Targeted policies and actions to combat trafficking in persons in vulnerable communities (awareness campaigns, social protection and livelihood programmes)
- Update and implement the NAP to eradicate Trafficking in Person & Children in Fiji and develop a resource mobilization strategy to support its implementation
- Promote data management, coordination and collaboration to combat trafficking in persons, forced labour and modern slavery
- Increase capacity building and research on trafficking in persons, forced labour and modern slavery
- Completion of the Draft Joint Child Labour Inspections Protocol to ensure effective collaboration and coordination among different entities involved in addressing child labour. The Draft is pending submission for endorsement by stakeholders.
- Training and awareness-raising conducted in the West, North, and Central Eastern Divisions to increase knowledge and understanding of child labour, its worst forms, and the necessary actions to prevent and combat it. The training and awareness initiatives target various stakeholders, including workers, municipal councils, government agencies, teachers, youth, and religious leaders.
- Completion of Phase 1 of the Paperless Labour Inspection System, an innovative approach to capturing data and information related to labour inspections, including child labour, for future planning and decision-making purposes. The piloting phase has started.
- Completion of the Draft National Action Plan to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labour for the years 2023-2025 currently awaiting feedback and endorsement from stakeholders.
Child Labour
- The Compliance section of the Ministry has conducted 2400 Labour inspections at workplaces throughout Fiji.
- The Interagency Training programs and meetings have been conducted to the benefit of all relevant stakeholders including the Fiji Police Force from August 2020 to February 2021
- The Alliance 8.7 Employment Relations Advisory Committee has been established on 20 October 2020 and the Consultation workshop under the MAP16 project was conducted
- The Ministry with ILO and interagency partners have conducted the awareness training program on at a community settlement at Qauia Village Lami, Suva
- An inter-agency training on worst forms for child labour was conducted through the assistance of the ILO Map 16 project which included the government, employers, trade union and civil society organizations
- The Ministry of Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations through its Labour Standards Services has conducted child labour awareness and training programs for 93 students and 29 teachers in 2019
- The Ministry in Partnership with Cane Producers Association is conducting awareness training programs for cane farmers and cane cutters on issues related to child labour
- The Ministry has conducted 8237 labour and child labour inspections between January 2018 and May 2020
International Instruments
Zone | Ilo Instrument | État | Ratification date | CEACR comments |
Child Labour | C138 Ratification of C138 - Minimum Age Convention (1973) |
In Force | 03 Jan 2003 | |
Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery | C182 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (1999) |
In Force | 17 Apr 2002 | |
Child Labour, Modern Slavery | C029 Forced Labour Convention (1930) |
In Force | 19 Apr 1974 | |
Forced Labour, Modern Slavery | C105 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (1957) |
In Force | 19 Apr 1974 | 2022 - Individual Case(CAS) - adopted 2022, published 110th ILC session (2022)2022 - Observation2022 - Individual Case(CAS) - adopted 2022, published 110th ILC session (2022)2022 - Observation2022 - Individual Case(CAS) - adopted 2022, published 110th ILC session (2022)2022 - Individual Case(CAS) - adopted 2022, published 110th ILC session (2022)2022 - Individual Case(CAS) - adopted 2022, published 110th ILC session (2022)2022 - Observation
Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery | C181 Private Employment Agencies Convention (1997) |
In Force | 21 Jan 2013 | |
Freedom of Association | C087 Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention (1948) |
In Force | 17 Apr 2002 | |
Freedom of Association | C098 Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention (1949) |
In Force | 19 Apr 1974 | |
Discrimination | C100 Equal Remuneration Convention (1951) |
In Force | 17 Apr 2002 | |
Discrimination | C111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (1958) |
In Force | 17 Apr 2002 | |
Occupational Safety and Health | C155 Occupational Safety and Health Convention (1981) |
In Force | 28 May 2008 |
Zone | UN Treaty | Signature date | Ratification date | État |
Child Labour | IV-11 Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) |
2 Jul 1993 | 13 Aug 1993 | |
Child Labour | IV-11-c Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography (2000) |
16 Sep 2005 | 9 Mar 2021 | |
Forced Labour, Human Trafficking | PALERMO_PROTOCOL Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) |
19 Sep 2017 a | Accession | |
Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery | XVIII-4 Ratification of the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition and of Slavery, the Slave Trade and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery (1956) |
12 Jun 1972 d |
Sources: ILO Normlex & UN Treaty Collection

Fiji Annual Pathfinder Progress Report May 2020-April 2021

Fiji Pathfinder Country Progress Report 2021 – 2022