

IOE conf
International conference: Navigating between hard and soft law: Enhancing business prepardness

The 2024 edition of this business-led annual event will highlight key developments in the human rights and responsible business conduct field. 

iom-migration group
Migration Action Group 1st Meeting 2024

The Alliance 8.7 Migration Action Group aims to develop and implement plans and initiatives to strengthen commitments in migration contexts and

Profits and Poverty
Profits and Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labour

We are pleased to invite you to the global launch of a new ILO report entitled “Profits and Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labour”.

This report

Asia RC-2
ILO Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting on Child Labour and Forced Labour

Despite making progress, the Asia-Pacific region still faces significant challenges, with 48.7 million children and 15.1 million adults trapped in

Freedom from Slavery Forums
Regional Freedom from Slavery Forums 2024

The Regional Freedom from Slavery Forums have been launched - see hereThis series of 7 regional forums will explore promising regional approaches

Laureates and leaders summit
Development and Peace: Fourth Laureates and Leaders for Children Summit

The fourth Laureates and Leaders for Children Summit, held under the auspices of the Provincial Government of Lumbini Province and the Government of