

global conference
Second Global Conference on the Regulation of International Recruitment

IOM will host the Second Global Conference on the Regulation of International Recruitment which will take place under the aegis of the Global Policy

freedom from slavery
Regional Freedom from Slavery Forums

The Regional Freedom from Slavery Forums have now been launched. This series of 7 regional forums will explore promising regional approaches for

Towards a Resilient Future: An Inclusive Path to a Child Labor-Free World

This event, organized by the U.S. Department of Labor, will highlight the vital role that the global community can play in confronting climate change

west africa
Global March Against Child Labour - West Africa Regional Symposium

The Symposium will convene diverse representatives from 5 Pathfinder countries, Mali, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, and Côte d'Ivoire to address the

knowledge forum
ILO Knowledge sharing forum: Innovative solutions to reduce child labour and forced labour in Africa

The ILO is holding a knowledge sharing forum convening experts, policymakers, international agencies, and community stakeholders to foster a shared

ILO Fair
Webinar: Identifying unfair recruitment and forced labour

As part of the ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative knowledge exchange series, this webinar will present the new edition of the Hard to See, Harder to