Alliance 8.7 has been very successful in building partnerships and has made significant steps toward national implementation. However, much remains to be done. We need more multi-stakeholder engagement and coordination at the national level to accelerate progress, particularly in Pathfinder Countries. In addition, we must mobilize greater technical and financial support to support the implementation of Pathfinder initiatives and ensure the sustainability of services provided by the Secretariat. Other areas for improvement include: establishing robust monitoring systems to ensure the accountability of Pathfinder Countries and the credibility of the Alliance, as well as reviewing our governance structure and making any changes needed to ensure it is “fit for purpose” and future challenges.
The strategy workshop provides an opportunity to discuss these issues with the members and observers of the Alliance 8.7’s Global Coordinating Group and Pathfinder Country focal points. The workshop will be organized by GCG members and Pathfinder Countries under the leadership of the Chair of Alliance 8.7, and with the support of the Alliance Secretariat. The outcomes of the workshop will be considered for adoption during a separate GCG meeting immediately following the workshop.
Key Agenda Items
Vision and progress - co-leads: Alliance Deputy Chair (Argentina), Australia, IOE, ITUC, ILO
Discussion of the Alliance 8.7’s vision and objectives, particularly in view of the Durban Call to Action and the upcoming SDG 8.7 deadline to end child labour in all its forms by 2025.
Pathfinder Country Accountability Framework - co-leads: Alliance Chair (France) Mexico, Free the Slaves, ILO
As the number of Pathfinder Countries steadily increases, discussion on the current situation, the implications on becoming a Pathfinder Country, and the associated opportunities and responsibilities. Discussion of the Pathfinder Country monitoring and accountability framework and agreement on the key steps going forward.
Output: Agreed accountability framework and discussion on the implementation plan.
Financing SDG Target 8.7 - co-leads: US, ILO
Discussion of current financing gaps for the achievement of SDG Target 8.7 and the potential Alliance 8.7 role in helping to fill them.
Output: Collective analysis of target 8.7 development finance gaps
Partnership model: Action/working groups, how to move forward? - co-leads: the Netherlands, FAO, ILO
Constructive discussion on rethinking the action groups and working groups.
Output: Agreement on closure of inactive groups and on modalities for creation and functioning of current and future action/working groups.
Governance: Optimising the structure of the GCG - co-leads: Alliance Chair (France), UK, Chile, IOE, ITUC, Global March
Review of and agreement on the governance structure of the GCG and rotation mechanisms.
Output: Agreement on a revised GCG structure and rotation mechanisms.
Partnership model: Refining partner engagement in Alliance 8.7 - co-leads: UNODC, Global March
Review of partner engagement and expectations. Analysis of how opportunities for partner engagement could be maximised.
Output: Collective analysis of partner engagement and services provided by the Alliance.
Sustaining Alliance 8.7 operations - co-leads US, ILO
Review of the funding needed to maintain Alliance’s technical support mechanisms and an analysis of the main gaps.
Output: Review of current functions of the Alliance 8.7 Secretariat and funding needs
for mid-term sustainability.
Conclusions and next steps